Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I Have To Admit It's Getting Better

I'm feeling good today. I went for a checkup yesterday. They drew blood, weighed me, checked my BP and temperature, gave me an EKG and then the Doctor looked me over. Everything checked out good. The Nurse Practitioner that is involved with their drug research program said she was amazed at how good I looked. The last time she saw me, I was in a wheel chair and white as a ghost. Since then, I had lost 30 lbs of fluid that I was retaining (yes, 30 lbs!), the color had returned to my face and I walked in on my own with no walker. I asked the Doctor if it was OK to get some exercise and he gave me the green light, so I'm going to start out on some of the exercise equipment down on the first floor. Once I get some stamina built up, he said it would be OK to go for walks outside early or late in the day, as long as I put on sun screen and wear a hat.

I also found out just how lucky I am to live here, when the Nurse Practitioner told me that the Virginia Cancer Institute is the only place on the east coast participating in the study of the experimental drug I am on. She said they have one patient who comes down from New York for treatment, and they had an inquiry from a patient as far west as Colorado. It's really a shame that Roche hasn't made this drug available to more cancer treatment centers around the country. The NP said that once the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) approves it, the pills will cost $3500.00 a week! Fortunately for me right now they are free, because until they get FDA approval, I'm still technically part of their research program.

Speaking of getting better, does anyone remember this one by the Fab Four?

Melissa XX


Anonymous said...

This is wonderful news! I'm so glad you have gotten such excellent results! And I bet once you can resume some activity, you'll do even better. Hope things keep on improving!

And of course an alterkacher like me remembers that song.

Cynthia Jane said...

Absolutely wonderful news! You sound so much better. Better living through chemistry. Looks like the walks I suggested might happen. Happy exercising.

My praying is doing wonders...I shall not stop for even an instant. To God be the glory!

Only us old fogies remember all the Beatles songs. Nice walk down memory lane.

Keep up the good work Melissa, we are all pulling for you.

Many Blessings, Hugs, and Oh So Many More Prayers.


Unknown said...

Glad you're on the mend!

Love the song. :-)

Lucy Melford said...

So glad to hear about your improved health. Gosh, what luck about getting that drug at the only place in the East, and for no cost!

I often play Beatles songs. I have nearly 1,200 tracks on my Nokia E71 phone, ready to play when dilating or driving around, and quite a number of those were ripped off my Beatles CDs. I was a teenage fan.


Caroline said...

It has been good to see Melissa commentating again in her old style which had been sorely missed.

It must be a little disappointing to find out that you merely have a high value but not quite priceless. Who is going to be able to pay $3,500 per week?

Does anyone remember this one by the fab four? LOL, help! us oldies have them running on a constant loop.

Naukishtae said...

Best news I've had in a long time.. I have heard good things about the Virginia Cancer Center and I am so glad you are there.. No walker.. that is great, I know when I had my (R) knee surgury, getting rid of that walker was really great.. thinking of you always..

Naukishtae XOXO

Leslie Ann said...

Excellent! Epilating can't be too far off now. Great to hear that you're on the mend, Melissa!

Halle said...

The fab four.. way better than Mahler on a summer's afternoon! LOL

So glad to hear that you are getting such good care and the price is definitely right! :)

You are getting better! Hooray!

Big Hug,

Lori D said...

Praying and thinking of you, dear friend.

Jenny said...

Reading your earlier post about boredom I hope your approval for walking can't come soon enough.

It's very good to hear positive news from you and long may it continue.