Thursday, June 25, 2009

Somebody Help Me! Please!

No, I have not fallen into the abyss, at least not yet, even though I sometimes I feel like I'm teetering at the precipice. ;) No, my current problem is a technical one. I am new to these blogs, and I just can't figure out why I'm having a problem with posting comments on other people's blogs. The only blogs that I can post comments to, are the ones that have a pop up window for posting comments. The blogs with the little white, post comments box at the bottom of the main post, and its associated comments, just doesn't work for me. I am running an I-Mac with a Firefox browser. Some people have manually turned on their control, to allow a pop-up window for posting comments to their blogs, and that has worked well for me, but there are many bloggers that I would love to correspond with, but their blog settings won't allow me to do so. I tried to respond to Chrissie's blog today and could not. Same for Linda Scott, and other bloggers as well. Does anyone know if there is anything I can do here to my own sttings, to allow me to make comments on other people's blogs?



chrissieB said...

Hi Melissa.

I've noticed that there are a couple of different formats for posting comments. Some involve a box and others involve a screen.

Most seem to take several attempts before Blogger will accept posted comments. I've found it's rare for comments to be "accepted" by the server first time.

I don't think there's any particular setting that one can change. Perhaps it's down to the server each blog is on?

My settings allow all comments, even from non-bloggers, and are unmoderated, but I'll go back into them and see if there's anything that might be causing a problem.


chrissieB said...

Ah. Right.

I've found that one can change the settings for how others can post comments.

In Settings/Comments there's a choice betwene pop-up window, full screen and follow-on under posting.

I've changed mine to pop-up screen. If you'd like to give it a try... :)


Anonymous said...

Had any luck getting blogger to work right? I wonder if the I Mac is part of the problem. I haven't had any problems yet, except for LoriD's blog eating a couple of my comments over the past several months. Good luck. :)Suzi

Melissa said...

No Suzi. I can still only post comments on blogs that have the pop up window enabled. Sometimes I have to type the verification code in a couple of times, before it will accept the reply. I'm not so sure it's the I-Mac, as much as it might be the type of browser I'm using. It's Mozilla Firefox, version 3.03

Anonymous said...

I have found that I can only post comments to those who have posted comments to me. Not a bad thing.

Melissa said...


I have tried to post comments to your blogs so many times, but I have been unable to. When I click on "comments" on your blogs, I am taken to the comments page, and there is a little white "Post a Comment" box at the bottom of the page, but it will not accept my comments.

In your blog settings, there is an option to enable pop up windows for posting comments. If you check the box on that option, I will be able to leave my comments on your blogs. I enjoy reading your blogs, and would love to correspond with you. :)
