It's midnight as I write, and the outside temperature is nearly 58° F/14° C. I can hardly believe it! Our Christmas snow has vanished, and for the first time in well over a month, a sweltering heat has filled the house, necessitating the shutting down of all heating systems, lest I shrivel up like a prune, and eventually disintegrate into a desiccated pile of dust, in an armchair facing a blaring TV! I hope the balmy temperatures last. I know that my December electric bill is surely going to be a killer. A warmer January will be a welcome relief to my budget.

I watched some of the Rose Parade today. The level of detail on these floats is always very impressive, especially considering that they are clad entirely in fresh flowers! As impressive as they are, one can only watch so many floats, marching bands and drugstore cowboys on fancy mounts, before one gets bored. One of the channels I've been able to receive fairly regularly, runs a lot of old movies, so I switched over to it. What great fortune! They were running
Moby Dick,
Great Expectations and
Wuthering Heights, one after the other today! I was glued to the set the entire afternoon! This production of Melville's Moby Dick, with Gregory Peck as Captain Ahab, has always been a favorite, but the 1946 production of Great Expectations, with John Mills as Pip, was absolutely the best! What a compelling story. I just love Dickens!
A deluxe bouquet of fresh flowers was delivered to my mother on Friday, in time for her 90th birthday on New Years Day! I received an email from my sister on Saturday, informing me that we are all to meet at Red Lobster on Monday evening, for Mom's birthday bash. There really is no accounting for taste. Red Lobster would never be my pick for such a momentous occasion, but it's Mom's party, so she gets to pick the venue, and I'm just fine with that.
Wishing all of you, a happy and prosperous New Year!
Melissa XX
Them tigers looks v impressive! -I thought the Battle Of Flowers that they have on Jersey sounded potentially interesting, until I discovered that it involved nothing more bellicose than rivalry in decoration of floats. Ho hum... you had me away on a fit of Googling, trying to find if my half-memory of a giant rubber Moby Dick out of control on Morecambe Bay had any basis in fact. Apparently not, at least in the Googlesphere.
Did you encounter Orwell's essay on Dickens? -"rotten architecture, wonderful gargoyles", as he describes it...
Happy new year! And enjoy the milder weather.
Happy new year!
We have flower floats in Holland during spring. Some of them are truely impressive.
Mind you, I've also seen the cleanup operation. Not quite so pleasent :)
Hey, I love Red Lobster. And the "heat wave" is very welcome by me. Over here in Tucson, the highs have been in the low 40's. Tomorrow it'll get up to 58 degrees. Samantha will be coming over, and we'll be doing some more geocaching (she likes it too!) and then she's buying us all pizza. Yay!
Happy New Year to you! :)
I have never recover from the childhood treat when I first was sent to school, prison as I thought of it, at christmas time they projected a "film". This should have been a thrill for us, hardly any of us ever saw films. I am fairly sure it was the classic Great Expectations and we had to sit on a freezing cold floor to watch it!!!!!!!!!
Just the mention of the name gives me the shivers!
He did write a marvellous short piece about railway catering which writing all the horror stories he is famous for was ideal practice.
Caroline xxx
Don't expect that heat wave to last long. Friday it was 72 degrees with t-storms and tornadoes. Saturday we had a high of 38 here. Crazy weather!
Happy New Year!
That's a wonderful version of Moby Dick. Gregory Peck was always one of my favourite actors, and not only because he was extremely yummy--even when he got old.
@ Dru
You seem to have left Blogger. I followed your link back to your Word Press blog, but I don't see any way to become a follower. I've always enjoyed your blog entries and I hate missing out on you new ones. Is there any way to link you new blog back to my google reading list?
Melissa XX
@Melissa: Go to your Blogger dashboard, and scroll down to the Reading List. With the Add button, you can add the URL for Dru's blog. Then new posts will show up on the Items side.
@ Stace
Directly behind the drugstore cowboys an their horses, were several people dressed in white, armed with brooms, scoopers, and a push cart to deposit the road apples they were busily scooping up! :-)
Melissa XX
@ Amy
Actually, I don't mind Red Lobster. I love seafood. I just wish they would go easier on the salt, for all of us geriatric customers, who are trying to control our blood pressure without taking diuretics! By the way, i've had the meal pictured in you latest blog posting, and it was yummy! Love those crab legs and lobster tails!
Melissa XX
@ Caroline
You poor children, complaining of having to sit on freezing cold floors, while being forced to watch19th century morality plays; that's so Dickension!
Melissa XX
@ Stephanie
We are taking another dip here too this week, but not as low as we had been in December. Thankfully no tornados here. I always worry about you and Patty Lou, out there in Tornado Alley.
Melissa XX
@ Ariel
Your sentiments regarding Gregory Peck, mirror mine! He was always one of my favorite leading men. I loved him in To Kill A Mocking Bird, and The Guns Of Naverone as well!
Melissa XX
@ Ariel
Thanks for the advice regarding Dru's blog! Despite being a self-admitted "pedant" ;-), you really are a sweetheart! How can I not adore you?
Melissa XX
thanks for linknig across to the 'new' blog, Melissa. I'm still working out how to balance the new one with Upside Down...
...I was going to say how much I liked Gregory Peck in For Whom The Bell Tolls, but I just checked and saw that it was actually Gary Cooper. Damn. Are they the same chap, do you think?
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